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Andaaz: A Hindi Comedy Film with a Twist

Andaaz: A Hindi Comedy Film with a Twist

Andaaz is a 2003 Hindi comedy film directed by Raj Kanwar and starring Akshay Kumar, Lara Dutta and Priyanka Chopra. The film revolves around the love triangle between Raj (Kumar), Kajal (Dutta) and Jiya (Chopra), who are childhood friends. Raj loves Kajal but she marries Karan (Aman Verma), a wealthy businessman. Raj moves to South Africa and meets Jiya, who falls in love with him. However, Raj still has feelings for Kajal and is shocked to learn that she is widowed and has a daughter. He decides to help her and her daughter, but Jiya is not ready to give up on him.

Andaaz 2015 Hindi 720p Torrent

The film was a commercial success and received positive reviews from critics. It was praised for its performances, music and humour. The film also won several awards, including the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut for both Dutta and Chopra.[^2^] [^3^]

If you are looking for a torrent to download Andaaz in Hindi with 720p quality, you can try the following link: Andaaz 2015 Hindi 720p Torrent. However, please be aware that downloading torrents may be illegal in your country and may expose you to viruses and malware. We recommend that you watch the film legally on a streaming platform or buy the DVD.In Cape Town, Raj meets Jiya (Chopra), a fun-loving girl who falls in love with him. She is also the sister of Karan, Kajal's husband. Raj is unaware of this fact and agrees to marry Jiya after she persuades him. Jiya takes Raj to India to introduce him to her parents, who are none other than the Singhanias. Raj is shocked to see Kajal there, who is now a widow and a mother of a little girl. He learns that Karan had died in a helicopter crash and that Kajal had become depressed and suicidal after his death.

Raj decides to help Kajal recover from her trauma and rekindles his friendship with her. He also bonds with her daughter, who reminds him of Kajal. Jiya becomes jealous of Raj and Kajal's closeness and tries to separate them. She asks Kajal to marry her friend Monty (Pankaj Dheer), who has a crush on Kajal. Kajal agrees to sacrifice her love for Raj for the sake of Jiya's happiness. However, Raj is not willing to let go of Kajal and confesses his love to her. He also tells Jiya that he cannot marry her as he loves Kajal.

Jiya is heartbroken and angry at Raj for betraying her. She accuses him of using her to get close to Kajal. She also blames Kajal for ruining her life and tries to kill her. Raj saves Kajal from Jiya's attack and confronts her for her selfishness. He tells her that he never loved her and that she should have respected his feelings for Kajal. He also tells her that Kajal is not only his love but also his best friend. Jiya realizes her mistake and apologizes to Raj and Kajal. She asks them to forgive her and wishes them happiness.

Raj and Kajal get married with the blessings of their families and friends. They fly away in a plane, fulfilling their childhood dream. 0efd9a6b88


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