The NYPD Got Those 36,000 Windows Phones For Free
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Microsoft stopped supporting Windows Phone 8.1 in July, three years after it first arrived. Stats suggest smartphones running Microsoft's mobile OSes held less than a percentage point of the market globallyand about 2% in the US. Of those, a fifth were running Windows 10 Mobile, which is still supported by Microsoft.
The New York City Police Department will be getting rid of the 36,000 Windows 8.1 phones it currently has and will replace them with iPhones by the end of the year. The move comes only two years after the department purchased the devices through the NYPD Mobility Initiative.
A little over a year ago, we talked about the mileage Windows Phone has been getting despite its low market share when the platform was endorsed by the New York Police Department. Windows phones were to be used by police officers to scan for and share data with each other making database searches of police records much easier. Well unfortunately, Windows Phone is currently running on fumes. A couple of years into the program, Microsoft announced the death of Windows Phone 8.1 last July rendering the 36,000 Nokia Lumias issued to police officers practically obsolete. Now the NYPD is thinking about shifting to iPhones.
The New York City Police Department made news recently after charging a TV station $36,000 for access to 190-hours of footage retrieved from cameras worn by officers. The sum shocked many and may be hard to justify, especially since Seattle PD offers its body-cam video free of charge.
And quality of life improvements won't stop there. We're also going to replace unsightly construction sheds, requiring all buildings to use newly-designed structures that preserve the vibrancy of our streets and increase enforcement against those that leave those sheds up for years at a time, blocking sidewalks and windows. And speaking of sheds, it is time to retire those Covid cabins and replace them with something better. Let's not kid ourselves. The Open Restaurant program was a massive success that saved so many of our restaurants, bars, and cafes during the pandemic. And what the governor did with allowing the cups and continue to expand that it really boosts our economy. But now it's time to come together and figure out how New Yorkers can enjoy outdoor dining with a permanent version that works for business and residents. And I know New Yorkers support this vision and I look forward to working with Councilwoman Marjorie Velázquez and the City Council to achieve this. We're going to get this done. We're going to get it done.
This year, we're making sure working people actually get that tax credit by launching a historic expansion of our free tax prep program. And beginning tomorrow, we'll be introducing free business tax prep for freelancers and gig workers. Another first for New York City. With an infusion of new funding and unprecedented coordinations with schools, houses of worship and NYCHA and community partners, we will be able to process an additional 26,000 returns next year and save New York's approximately $14.3 million in filing fees and refunds. Right now as we speak, New Yorkers are applying for and receiving those expanded benefits. A family of four making $25,000 will see payout increase from $300 to $900. Let me tell you what the difference is when you think about it.
We will not allow that to happen in New York. It is the working class that has lifted up this city, built it brick by brick on the bedrock of a free and democratic nation. And going forward, we will sustain the workers who make this city possible. Working together, we can build a better city for all. Keep those pillars of civic power strong, open more golden doors and inspire others to do the same. We're just getting started and there's no stopping. The world's greatest city filled with the best stuff on Earth, New Yorkers. Thank you, New York. 2b1af7f3a8