Re Register Windows Update Dlls Vista HOT!
The reset_windows_update_agent.bat script can be downloaded following this link (options 9 and 11 are not included in the script since they are optional). Download the script, extract it, and run as an administrator.
Actions to try First try the following actions to see if they resolve your issue: a. Re-register all of the dlls and recompile the .mofs in the wbem folder and re-registering WMI Service and Provider. You can use the following script by saving to txt file then renaming to .bat and running from command prompt with admin right and changing focus to following directory: C:\Windows\System32\Wbem.
If any of the .dlls files involved the Windows Update service is not correctly registered, you may encounter the issue Windows Update cannot currently check for updates. Thus, you can try to register the Windows Update to solve the problem. And we will show you how to register Windows Update service step by step.
solution 2 took less than 1 minute and worked, thank you. one note that may help others: i had left the windows update window open while performing solution 2 and found that i had to close the previously open windows update window and then open windows update again for this to work. (i think microsoft has conditioned us all to restart programs when settings are changed but i still forget occasionally)
Thanks, solution 2 worked for me. My problem started when windows file explorer would shut down when I clicked on "recent places", and one of the solutions was to make sure my windows was updated, and I discovered my updates was not working. Unfortunately, clicking on "recent places" is still causing windows explorer to quit.
Get-Service "windows update" | Stop-ServiceGet-Service "bits" | Stop-ServiceStart-sleep 5Rename-Item C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution -NewName SoftwareDistribution_old -ForceStart-Service "windows update"Start-Service "bits"wuapp
When i try to use solution 2, after stopiing and renaming the folder once i start the windows update it creates a new folder SofwareDistribution and again gave me same errror? even i do restart or what ever i got the same errror again
I tried all the three solutions but none worked for my HP pavilion g6 notebook. I noticed that there is no "windows update" listed when i carried out the step 1 of solution 2 by opening the services(local) window. 'windows time' is listed followed by 'WinHTTP web proxy auto-discovery service'.Someone should please help out.
I tried every single one of these, and have been trying to fix this problem for too many hours. Then I googled the error code instead of the error message and 2 minutes later my windows were updating. Check out this link -updates-activation/287435-re-installed-windows-7-windows-update-will-not-work-properly.htmlI have to go restart now, after the update. Hope this saves others some time.
Thank you so much for your prompt responses, lakonst and that your post pointed out the folder that I was missing and after I deleted it worked just fine. I could not find it though because I updated my ssd HD from 500GB to 1TB. I installed windows 7 on it from my back up DVDs and intell rapid storage drive. Still that was not enough to make widows update work.
I have used all the above steps, did not work and still giving me the same answer of:"windows update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. you may need to restart your computer."I have updated my HD to double the storage and higher speed for windows 7 (64 bit) and performed a windows 7 installation from my back up DVDs. the computer is working just fine and the system of my notebook wont install or download any update so far.Thanks in advance.
As David Brown reports above, I used system restore to roll back to before Windows Update and my start menu worked again. But just like David found, as soon as the windows updates were applied, the start menu failed again. I also found that when I right clicked it, the bottom 3 options were blanks.
After successfully replacing the three reportedly corrupt files with ones from the healthy vista installation, I rebooted. And after rebooting my start menu was back to working just fine, complete with the latest Windows updates! Wahey - only half a day wasted, but much better than having to do a complete reinstall of Vista plus all my programs.
A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file is a type of executable file that, according to Microsoft, "acts as a shared library of functions." Most Windows users will never have to manually interact with a DLL file, but if you receive an error message related to a DLL file or one becomes corrupt, you can manually update the file via the Windows command line interface. Microsoft refers to this process as registering the DLL file.
Obtain a copy of the DLL file you wish to update, and save it to your hard drive if you need to replace the file entirely. Be sure to note where you save the file. Otherwise, try re-registering your original file to update it.
What does it do?The file stops the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" and the Automatic Update service, then re-registers the required DLLs. It then restarts the the two services that were stopped before forcing an update cycle to start with fresh cookies.
net stop bits net stop wuauserv regsvr32 /u wuaueng.dll /sdel /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\*.*del /f /s /q %windir%\windowsupdate.logregsvr32 wuaueng.dll /snet start bitsnet start wuauservwuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow
What this simply means is that Windows thinks the update service does not exist on your computer either because it was accidentally de-registered or was not installed properly. So you get error 0x80070424.
method 2 can be done from within a win vista/7/8/8.1/10 and maybe even 11 installation environment. you need to boot into a usb drive (or whatever you have) that has windows on it, press next on the first screen and then on the second one press on repair my computer, then on cmd and change the files (you can open notepad if you want a gui and go to "save as" change from .txt files to all files down there and voila you can navigate thru win folders) 2b1af7f3a8