Labview Fpga Course
Our customised NI training courses are tailored to your specific requirements and ability. From the basics of Introduction to LabVIEW to advanced VeriStand training or a bespoke course that meets the needs of your team or specific project, we deliver training on your site and demonstrate techniques and tutorials to help your team gain greater programming efficiency and increase their productivity.
The LabVIEW FPGA course prepares you to design, debug, and implement efficient, optimized applications using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware. You learn how to compile and deploy your VIs to different types of NI targets, such as NI R Series multifunction RIO, CompactRIO, Single-Board RIO, and NI RIO instruments. You develop applications where you learn to acquire digital and analog I/O, control loop timing, synchronize operations, implement signal processing, and pass data between your host VI and your FPGA target.
NU-LED's staff has years of experience in a wide variety of fields, and we are happy to share our expertise with the Northwestern community. For that reason, NU-LED currently offers several classes and workshops to any student, postdoc, faculty, or staff interested in taking them. See below for more details. Please also consider filling out a short course survey which will help us schedule future classes and update course material based on student requirements. It will also allow you to be added to the class list prior to the open enrollment period.
This two-week course teaches the popular LabVIEW programming environment from the basics up to creating mid-size applications. Approximately 30 hours of lecture material and practical exercises are offered. Upon completion, students will be able to independently create programs for their own research and should feel comfortable taking the CLAD certification exam offered by National Instruments. We regret that due to budgeting concerns, we can no longer offer the course for free. The cost to attend the course is currently set at $107.69 per student.
No prior knowledge of LabVIEW is required to take the course. In addition, a computer with LabVIEW software installed will be provided at no cost in order to perform the class exercises. Class size is currently limited to 15 students per session, but please note that the course will be offered every summer. The next course is tentatively scheduled for July, 2023. Classes will be held for 8 consecutive days from 9AM-12:30 PM each day. To enroll, or if you have any questions, please email Stephen Miller. Please also consider filling the short course survey, which will greatly help with future class scheduling.
This workshop is held twice a year. The workshop is scheduled during summer and winter terms and will consist of 3 hour sessions for 6 days. To enroll or for more information, please contact Sheena NM . Please also consider filling our short course interest survey, which will help with class scheduling, and will get your name on the class list prior to open enrollment. Class space is limited, so don't miss out.
LabVIEW Core 3 introduces you to structured practices to design, implement, test, and deploy LabVIEW applications. This course focuses on developing hierarchical applications that are scalable, readable, and maintainable. Several topics introduced in LabVIEW Core 1 and 2 are revisited and expanded within this context. The processes and techniques covered in this course help reduce development time and improve application performance and stability. By incorporating these design practices early in your development, you avoid unnecessary application redesign, increase VI reuse, and minimize maintenance costs.
Of course, a larger, more complex application still requires experience and good techniques to make a LABVIEW FPGA application meet size and timing requirements. This is still significantly less than most FPGA developers invest in learning HDL.
Of course, being a LabVIEW developer, I think in dataflow. That may not be so easy for those coming from the text-based world. If your code needs to be understood by a team of non-dataflow developers LabVIEW FPGA may (or may not) be harder for them to read than HDL.
A study of computer-assisted measurement and automation techniques. Students receive hands-on experience in measuring and controlling physical phenomena through laboratory exercises and projects. Recognized as a LabVIEW Academy course by National Instruments. Offers students the opportunity to become Certified LabVIEW Associate Developers.
The NI myDAQ is available from Be sure to purchase the hardware only version (currently $219) instead of any version that is bundled with software. You will be provided a license to LabVIEW as part of this course. It is expected that you will have a laptop computer capable of running LabVIEW that you will bring with you to class everyday.
This is a very comprehensive overview of LabVIEW. I used to use it as the primary textbook for this course before adopting the NI training modules LabVIEW Core 1 and LabVIEW Core 2 as our official course material. Despite being someone dated, it is an excellent reference for learning how to program using LabVIEW.
Your grade for the course will be based on your performance on the exercises, examinations, and special projects according to the usual distribution shown in Table 1 below. The weights (in percent) that will be applied to the different components are shown in Table 2.
There will be a number of programming assignments that emphasize important concepts of the LabVIEW programming language and fundamentals of data acquisition and control. These assignments will be graded using a grading rubric which specifies what is expected in the areas of functionality, style and documentation. This grading rubric is based upon the evaluation criteria used by National Instruments for their Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) exam. It is suggested to use LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit to check your assignment for style and documentation prior to submitting it for grading. These assignments will be submitted by committing your work to an SVN code repository set up for this course. See below for additional details on this resource.
Each student will complete a major project that will constitute 20% of the grade for the course. Each project must involve interfacing a computer to data acquisition hardware. Projects can be completed either individually or as a group. The instructor must approve the makeup of any group. Specific deadlines will be imposed throughout the semester for completion of various milestones of the project. Students in the honors section will have additional deliverables for the project and are required to submit their project to the National Instruments Student Design Competition.
Learning Badges:Students in this class will have opportunity to use the National Instruments Badge Program to gain recognition for their mastery of the topics including LabVIEW programming and the fundamentals of data acquisition. The following eight (8) Learning Badges are required and will make up 16% of your grade for the course. Students will receive 2% credit for each badge passed prior to its associated announced target date and 1% for any badge passed after its target date but before final exam week begins. Students must email the instructor a link to their personal badge page on after passing their first badge exam.
In compliance with University policy, students with disabilities who require academic and/or auxiliary accommodations for this course must contact the Student Accessibility Resource Center located in Downing Student Union, Room 1074. The SARC can be reached by phone number at 270-745-5004 [270-745-3030 TTY] or via email at Please do not request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor without a faculty notification letter (FNL) from The Student Accessibility Resource Center.
The LabVIEW Core 2 Course is an extension of the LabVIEW Core 1 Course. This course teaches you how to use common design patterns to successfully implement and distribute LabVIEW applications for research, engineering, and testing environments. Topics covered include programmatically respond to user interface events, implementing parallel loops, manage configuration settings in configuration files, develop an error handling strategy for your application, and tools to create executables and installers. The LabVIEW Core 2 Course directly links LabVIEW functionality to your application needs and provides a jump-start for application development.
LabVIEW has been the most popular test and measurement development software for engineers and scientists. No software improves productivity better than LabVIEW."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"LabVIEW Course fee?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"LabVIEW course fee.Online from \u20b9 25000Offline from \u20b9 40000"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"LabVIEW Course Eligibility?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"LabVIEW Course:Anyone can join LabVIEW.Instrumentation, Automation, and Oil & Gas career opted freshers and professionals get more advantage on LabVIEW Course."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why LabVIEW Course?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment engineers use to develop automated research, validation, and production test systems."}}]} Best LabVIEW Course Core 1 2 Online Offline Training Classes Best LabVIEW Course Core 1 2 Online Offline Training Classes. Learn from our industry experts employee LabVIEW Programming Training
Note: These workshops are given by volunteers. We like LabVIEW and want to share our knowledge of it. The course and the exam are free of charge and the workshops should not be considered as professional NI training. Please refer to the Technical Training catalogue ( for all formal LabVIEW training courses available. 2b1af7f3a8