Earth Stove 100 Manual
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Japanese automobiles are a good example. Over the past 100 years, the Japanese have moved away from cars that run on coal/oil to vehicles that run on solar. Today, they have a really nice mix of vehicles - about 2/3 running on solar, and 1/3 running on coal/oil. By 2030, the Japanese are aiming to have 100% of their automobiles run on solar. A few years ago, it was roughly 50% solar, 50% coal.
Bryan is a co-founder of the Game Plan Planning Center , a nonprofit organization that offers game design and development consulting for non-profits throughout the United States. The Game Plan Planning Center has a collaborative with the University of California, San Francisco and the California Institute of Earth and Architecture to provide free game design workshops for the public. Bryan's current passions include environmental justice, public policy, and playtesting.
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