Azov Films - Puberty - Sexual Education For Boysl
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Research has shown an association between adequate sexuality education and improved sexual health outcomes or communication among adolescents and parents. ÂThe cornerstone of sexuality education is to help youth attain a positive and healthy sexuality orientation about themselves, their partners, and their potential sexual relationships, and to assume personal responsibility for their own sexual health. Parents believe that sexuality education is an important means of fostering healthy attitudes and behaviors among adolescents. Schools, other professionals, and parents play an important role in the implementation of sexuality education. This report reviews the current literature on adolescent sexuality education and makes recommendations for pediatricians.
Pediatricians play a key role in sexuality education activities in schools and families. Pediatricians are the educators responsible for adolescents initiating sex or engaging in behaviors that may be unsafe, and are also the providers most likely to counsel families about sexuality, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, pediatricians are often called on to answer questions in subsequent consultations about the patient's experience, with peer and school support. Schools are an important venue in which to promote positive attitudes towards and knowledge of sexuality, as well as access to safe, confidential, and effective age-appropriate contraception. This clinical report presents a comprehensive overview of what is known about adolescent sexuality education and addresses important questions for pediatricians that increase their knowledge, skills, and ability to provide sexuality education for adolescents.
Sexual and reproductive health education for youth is one of the most pressing public health priorities. It has been shown to be effective in reducing risks and improving health outcomes of adolescents, including prevention of unplanned teen pregnancy, decrease in sexually transmitted infections, and reductions in rates of suicide, depression, and alcohol and other substance abuse. 7211a4ac4a